WebGL4J Tutorial Series

Welcome to the WebGL4J Tutorial Series home page. This is where I write tutorials on WebGL programming through the use of WebGL4J library, which provides WebGL access to Java programming language. This tutorial series is here to introduce the WebGL4J library to programmers. These tutorials will start at a very basic level, and setting up the workspace and move on eventually building our framework and learning how GPUs work.

What is WebGL4J?

WebGL4J is my own library that aims to provide WebGL bindings to the Java programming language. This allows us to use Java to program WebGL applications which will be compiled to JavaScript using the GWT (Google Web Toolkit) compiler and are run inside a web browser, with the advantages being the Java’s type system which JavaScript lacks and the easiness of writing and maintaining Java code.

What is WebGL?

WebGL stands for (Web Graphics Library) and allows for programming 3D graphics (most of them are games however) that are run inside a browser. WebGL, according to its specification is an immediate mode 3D rendering API designed for the web. It is derived from OpenGL ES (a port of OpenGL for embedded systems such as the mobile) and provides a similar functionality, but in an HTML context, that is the graphics are rendered using the HTML5 canvas element.

Source Code

All the source code for this tutorial series is hosted on the GitHub repository here.